Awaken Harmony
Join Opal of The Sacred Empress for a peaceful Winter Solstice Sound Bath that reflects the space of harmony in grief.
As transitions take us to a new location of balance, we find ourselves at new center points that guide us in expansive ways.
In this practice, we acknowledge the various levels grief takes us through and invite the luminal space to hold our light within.
Release in the Tide
Honoring the thresholds of grief, in letting go of what was known.
Join Opal of The Sacred Empress for a Full Moon Sound Healing experience, Release in the Tide, where we observe the truths of transition while remaining present underneath the wave.
In release, we honor, surrender, and grow towards the light of our destiny, while flowing with the movement of evolution.
Visualizing Shifts
Honoring evolution in expansion with the Creative Spirit
Join Caleb and Opal for a supportive sound journeying experience that leans into the depths of the creative spirit.
In this practice we honor the space to be held in the depths of evolution, while utilizing concepts of Earth Wisdoms and Quantum awareness.
Embracing Change
Through major life transitions, there is a power in witnessing the grief and death in the re-birth process. As these shifts move through us, we reach a level of acceptance that we can’t do it alone. In this practice, we embrace these changes experienced in life, standing in both masculine and feminine energies.
Join Shelley Short, of The SoulSpark Mission, and Opal Hopkins, of The Sacred Empress, in exploring the waves of emotion that grief takes us through using methods of sound healing, drum journey, and hand-on-healing. This practice is an invitation to honor our shadows while remembering the light within us as we embrace change.
Sound Healing in the Gardens: Love
This week we will focus on LOVE. Pulling in the information we gathered through our practice together, the final session of this series offers a beautiful conclusion to the depth of experience offered in love through our bodies energetic expression.
Sound Healing in the Gardens: Serenity
This week we will focus on serenity and how we engage with peace within self. Through this practice we continue our journey of using the three key features to anchor love deeper within ourselves.
Lunar Aural Awe
Experience the power of acupuncture and the healing magic of sound bowls together! Sessions include an ear acupuncture treatment with Jill Nielsen-Farrell, Dipl. OM in collaboration with Opal Hopkins of The Sacred Empress.
2 Sessions held at Wenatchee Community Acupuncture 5:15-6:30 & 7:00-8:15
Held at Wenatchee Community Acupuncture.
Sound Healing in the Gardens: Compassion
This week we will focus on compassion and witnessing where we hold compassion for others and ourselves. Through this practice we continue our journey of using the three key features to anchor love deeper within ourselves.
Sound Healing in the Gardens: Grace
This week we will focus on gratitude and witnessing where grace falls within the body. Through this practice we begin our journey of using the three key features to anchor love deeper within ourselves.