An invitation to a personalized
healing experience
Our private sessions offer our clients an opportunity to connect with our practitioners in a personalized way. Each service is crafted to fit the needs and visions of the individual, while utilizing the practitioners different healing modalities and knowledge as support.
Each session is 1 hour and utilizes a combination of intuitive knowledge, professional understanding, and expansive development skills to assist and empower those we work with.
Akashic Record Sessions
The Akashic Record is where records for the universe are held. Intuitively connected to, our practitioners describe this experience as “looking into the library of the soul.” This allows us to understand one’s soul purpose within the context of not only this life, but their soul’s existence.
We utilize intuition in our practices to help our clients understand areas that may hold energetic blockages that may be limiting their soul’s purpose or expression in this life. In addition to these readings tapping into the past life aspects for insight, this service also offers support in how those insights may appear in their current experience.
Key Features:
Expansion of soul gifts
Guidance on next phases in life based on soul purpose
Assist in identification of soul purpose
Clarify energetic blockages
Strengthen sense of self through the lens of soul
Tap into past life wisdom
Opal utilizes cards, channeling, and other intuitive abilities to connect to the Akashic Record and communicate messages.
This service is offered online. Book Below by filling out our form on the contact page.
Sliding Scale $90.00-100.00 for 1 hour session
Soul Doula sessions are an opportunity for individuals to step into levels of their quantum awareness and depend connection with their soul. As a Soul Doula, Opal holds space for individuals through phases of life in transition from initial birth, to re-birth, and death.
These sessions are very free flowing and a place for you to process and call forth what is needed for you. This service is an opportunity for those on a conscious path to deeper embodiment to invite in their truths for integration.
Key Features:
Integration of Past Life wisdoms
Space for processing Grief
Connect to Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine Guides
Invitation to Ancient remembrance
Seraphim Quantum Healing
Opal utilizes channeling, distant energy healing, and other intuitive abilities to communicate messages.
This service is offered online. Book Below by filling out our form on the contact page.
Sliding Scale $111.00-144.00 for 1 hour session